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I really enjoyed this horror game and all the puzzles.  Well done!

Un gran juego para pasar un buen rato resolviendo acertijos y buscando ítems en un ambiente terrorífico

… hab mir das Let‘s Play angesehen! Das ist ja Wahnsinn! Bin, wie heute schon mindestens 10x gesagt, wirklich begeistert!! Bleib dran.. alles andere wäre wirklich traurig!

Liebe Grüße 



Danke dir, weiß ich wirklich zu schätzen 😭!! Hab noch einiges vor mir, ich bleib dran 🏃🏻‍♀️

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Was ich wirklich gut fand, war die Gestaltung der Rätzel! Besonders das mit dem Morsecode.. oder mit dem Zahlen ganz am Anfang :-)))


aahhhh an den rätseln hatte ich echt lange gesessen, das freut mich mega zu hören 🥹!!!!

:-D Habe mir grade HOME runtergeladen...! Werde dir bescheid geben wie es war! Grafik ist schonmal mega nostalgisch!

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Awesome I hope you have time to continue the story and if your teacher didn't give you an A+ he's crazy I'd gladly pay for a full version

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I loved playing this game! The puzzles were really fun! Interesting story! I really hope you add more to it! 

Really good horror game wish it was a little bit longer haha :)

Great game! Great puzzles. Could have used a better ending.

I can't wait for the next project!

Blame Sean


JSE said at the end of his newest video to record gameplay this way, so i did lol.

I played the game all the way through and really enjoyed it. thought the puzzles were creative and the atmosphere is amazing. looking forward to future projects!!! 

For a college project this was a solid game. Cool puzzles and all. If you ever come back to update the game, I'd say add a save system so we can just continue from the end and check the other ending, cuz I ain't playing all that again just to choose to leave the bunker lol

AMAZING game that, well, was ruined by the ending (or more honestly, lack of one)


Good one!


Thank you very much! :>


great job with this game! it was very spooky and the puzzles got me every time i don't usually use my brain ahaha

Saludos desde Latam:)

Thank you very much! 


Great game! I really enjoyed playing through this game, the puzzles were all great, even if I was stumped by my own poor geographical knowledge. 

The story was interesting, I definitely wanted the monster to show up again at the end; but leaving the end as it is was smart, as it adds a lot of questions on whether the monster was ever there to begin with, or we might simply be reacting to chemical fumes and hallucinating.

Great job on this game, looking forward to your next release!


Thank you so much! I remember you playing “HOME” about a year ago, glad you like this one too!!

I knew the map puzzle would be the bane for many people, glad you made it through anyway! :D

Makes me super happy to hear about your story perception! :3 I appreciate your kind words and you not just playing through my game but also sharing it with your audience! Thank you ♡ 


I literally just started and I'm already stuck. Who's idea was to have a 4 digit code without giving even a hint about the right order? 4 numbers can combine in a huge amount of ways.

Hi! I’m sorry to hear you feel that way! Some puzzles aren’t as obvious to some as they are to others and unfortunately I can’t make a design that will appeal to everyone :( 

I will make a guide soon that will also explain how to reach the correct solution, maybe you’d like to give it another shot then, but if not that’s also perfectly fine :>! 

As a reminder for you, there’s a lot of testing behind puzzles and games, people that want to make a good product! A negative experience is frustrating, I understand, but next time maybe consider writing a comment that comes off less condecending and ask if there’s something you might not understand! I would love to help you out!

Thank you for giving it a try anyway :>!

(if you read it this far, the blood on the buttons indicate which ones to press, the amount shows in which order. Most blood -> first pressed, blood wears off and the subsequent buttons have less and less!)


I'm sorry,  I was pretty frustrated in the moment cause the game actually looks really promissing and I was pretty surprised  when I got stuck at the very beginning.  
I thought about the amount of blood meaning something but interpreted it in a different way. I thought the ones with the least amount of blood on them were a trick to make me thing they were important numbers while the ones with the most blood were the only useful ones. 
Thanks for the solution, I'll go finish teh game now!

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It’s fine! Thank you for being so considerate! I appreciate the kind words! I wish you lots of fun playing and if there’s anything else you’d like to ask or say, feel free! :> 

and if you get stuck again, I’d appreciate if you’d wait for the guide to be done (hopefully by tomorrow!) so you can at least experience the whole game without having to worry about the puzzles! :3 

either way, i wish you have fun with it! 

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I played and finished teh game yesterday night. I had no further problems with all the other puzzles althouh I was a bit confused about the chemicals. I really really liked it, I was on edge teh whole time expecting a monster to chase me. The scene in the lounge room was pretty cool. I was a bit confused by the "stay" ending though, it's a bit of a cliffhanger.  There's clearly a lot of work put into this and I love the care put in the details and the environments.


This makes me super happy to hear!! I'm glad you gave it another try and enjoyed it! Your kind words also mean a lot to me, although the game has some issues and I didn't manage to create it the way I had it planned, I put a lot of work into it, thank you, really! ;v; ♥

setting video?

Hi! I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you mean! Could you elaborate so I can help out? :>